Thursday, April 28, 2005


Usefilm Usefilm Usefilm.. all my friends who are interested in photorgraphy keep on saying this word all the time.Whenever I meet a new photographer and begin to talk, I am always asked: "Your photos are on usefilm?"

Taieb.. why not.. let me try.
I started uploading my photos on
Usefilm at last. It's been a week now, and yet I admit this site is different.The good about it is that everyone can write you a comment about your photo, friends or people you don't know.It randomly shows photos to the users to comment on.So, it makes you feel good when you share your work among a big community, and your work is viewed by a huge number of people all around the world.This randomization technique allows you to view other's work as well, so it opens your eyes on different angles, scenes and a variety of beautiful captures.


Anonymous said...

Eman, a while ago I decided to have a quick tour in ur album...girl, u r a hit, wow, begad amazing..masha2allah, keep it up :)

Eman M said...

Rabna yekhaliki leya ya rab.
7elw awi a nice person like you yerfa3 men roo7 el wa7ed keda :)

Anonymous said...

la2 begad, I am not complementing..your album is just amazing.


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