When I was going home last night, I was down somehow, so I passed by the supermarket to get some of the anti-depressing materials; e.g. snacks, Chipsy and Ice cream ..
I love ice cream.. no .. I adore ice-cream.. no.. I .. what is more than adore?
Vanilla ice cream, just Vanilla only.
I can eat as many scoops as anyone can imagine, but the really weird thing, is that I don't like eating it when it is frozen... mmm, nuts? ice cream=frozen, ommal how do you like it?
I like it saye7 :), yup ... when I get it, I leave it for a while, then begin to enjoy this beautiful process of tasting the vanilla.. ah yani men 7alawto.
When I was in my 10's, I always dreamt that I have at my room an ice cream fridge (like the one in the supermarket), and that I take from it anytime as much as I want, and that when I wake up every morning, I find the fridge full again.... pinky dreams :)
I love Vanilla ice cream, old, huh?
tell you something new?
I adore vanilla ice cream .. hehee :)
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Vanilla Ice cream
Usefilm Usefilm Usefilm.. all my friends who are interested in photorgraphy keep on saying this word all the time.Whenever I meet a new photographer and begin to talk, I am always asked: "Your photos are on usefilm?"
Taieb.. why not.. let me try.
I started uploading my photos on Usefilm at last. It's been a week now, and yet I admit this site is different.The good about it is that everyone can write you a comment about your photo, friends or people you don't know.It randomly shows photos to the users to comment on.So, it makes you feel good when you share your work among a big community, and your work is viewed by a huge number of people all around the world.This randomization technique allows you to view other's work as well, so it opens your eyes on different angles, scenes and a variety of beautiful captures.
لاتندم على حب عشته
It is very lovely, yet romantic and realistic in the same time.
It touched me actually.
لاتندم على حب عشته
لاتندم على حب عشته...حتى ولو صارت ذكرى تؤلمك...فإذا كانت الزهور قد جفت وضاع عبيرها ولم يبقى منها غير الأشواك فلا تنسى انها منحتك عطراً جميلاً أسعدك...
لا تكسر ابداً كل الجسور مع من تحب...فربما شاءت الأقدار لكما يوماً لقاء يوماً آخر يعيد مامضى ويصل مانقطع...فإذا كان العمر الجميل قد رحل...فمن يدري ربما انتظرك عمر أجمل...
وإذا قررت يوما أن تترك حبيباً فلا تترك له جرحاً فمن اعطانا قلباً لايستحق ابداً منا ان نغرس فيه سهماً او نترك له لحظه الم تشقيه...وما أجمل أن تبقى بيننا لحظات الزمن الجميل...وإذا فرقت الايام بينكما فلا تتذكر لمن كنت تحب غير كل احساس صادق...ولاتتحدث عنه إلا بكل ماهو رائع ونبيل...فقد اعطاك قلباً...واعطيته عمر وليس هناك اغلى من القلب والعمر في حياة الانسان...واذا جلست يوماً وحيداً تحاول ان تجمع حولك ظلال ايام جميلة عشتها مع من تحب، اترك بعيداً كل مشاعر الالم والوحشة التي فرقت بينكما...
حاول ان تجمع في دفاتر اوراقك كل الكلمات الجميله التي سمعتها ممن تحب...وكل الكلمات الصادقة التي قلتها لمن تحب...واجعل في ايامك مجموعة من الصور الجميلة لهذا الانسان الذي سكن قلبك يوماً...ملامحه...وبريق عينيه الحزين...وابتسامته في لحظة صفاء...ووحشته في لحظه ضيق...والامل الذي كبر بينكما يوماً...وترعرع حتى وإن كان قد ذبل ومات...
إذا سألوك يوماً عن انسان احببته فلا تقل سراً كان بينكما...ولا تحاول ابداً تشويه الصورة الجميلة لهذا الانسان الذي احببته اجعل من قلبك مخبأ سرياً لكل اسراره وحكاياته فالحب اخلاق قبل ان يكون مشاعر...
وإذا شاءت الأقدار واجتمع الشمل يوماً فلا تبدأ بالعتاب والهجاء والشجن وحاول أن تتذكر آخر لحظه حب بينكما لكي تصل الماضي بالحاضر ولا تفتش عن اشياء مضت لان الذي ضاع ..ضاع...والحاضر اهم كثيراً من الماضي...ولحظة اللقاء اجمل بكثير من ذكريات وداع موحش...
واذا اجتمع الشمل مرة آخرى...حاول أن تتجنب اخطاء الامس التي فرقت بينكما لأن الأنسان لابد أن يستفيد من تجاربه...ولاتحاول ابداً تصفي حسابات أو تثأر من انسان اعطيته قلبك...لأن تصفية الحسابات عملة رخيصة في سوق المعاملات العاطفية ، والثأر ليس من اخلاق العشاق...ومن الخطا أن تعرض مشاعرك في الاسواق وأن تكون فارساً بلا اخلاق...
واذا كان ولا بد من الفراق فلا تترك للصلح باباً الا مضيت فيه...
اذا اكتشفت ان كل الابواب مغلقة...وأن الرجاء لا أمل فيه...وأن من أحببت يوماً أغلق مفاتيح قلبه...والقاها في سراديب النسيان...هنا فقط اقولك :
إن كرامتك اهم كثيراً من قلبك الجريح...حتى وإن غطت دماؤه سماء هذا الكون الفسيح...فلن يفيدك أن تنادي حبيباً لايسمعك...وأن تسكن بيتاً لم يعد يعرفك أحد فيه...وأن تعيش على ذكرى انسان فرط فيك بلا سبب...
في الحب لا تفرط فيمن يشتريك...ولاتشتري من باعك ...ولاتحزن عليه
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Al Miss Egypt al!!
I watched yesterday Miss Egypt "Mariam" in el Biet Bietak, I am somehow shocked, the girl is pretty and cute, I admit ..But listen to her .. very air-minded, can't say a complete sentence, shy to an embarrassing extent, indecisive, having contradicting principles and thoughts, and she was acting really funny. She was really weird, how this girl was selected as Miss Egypt?!
She is beautiful yes, but what about the mind? what about the personality? daya3 tamaman.
She couldn't answer any question at all, although they were personal, I believe if the show wasn't Live, the director would have stopped the hassle that happened.
Spring festival
Yesterday, I went to the spring festival a.k.a the flower's exhibition in the Orman garden. It was planned to go with friends, and enjoy together the flowers, greenery and photography. But .. at morning, calling people w yalla ya gama3a... and it finished up that no one will be able to come.. ok ... so what I will do now? I will go! Alone? yes!
The exhibition was already extended, and today is my last chance to go, so .. nothing will stop me.
I didn't feel excited for the first 30 minutes, there are a lot of wizen flowers, and they are normal ones as well, the same I see in the public gardens. I thought I'll find different and rare flower types.By time, it appeared that the best region is in the middle of the garden, and I began to enjoy, photos photos photos .. and ops, my camera's memory card is full! howa ana le72t! Although it is 64 MB ... I realized that most of the photos I took were "Close-up", and the Close-up image size is always around 1.5 MB.I stood in a shady region and viewed all the photos on the camera's screen and kept only the very unique shots, and deleted all the rest.
Tab3an, as long as you are in Egypt, you can't take photos bera7tk, especially when you are a girl .. you got to hear comments from the people around you like: "Heya betsawar eih deh?... tab ma takhdini sora", you got to find weird looks from people walking beside you ... bas wala yehmeni! wala ka2eni sam3a aw shaifa 7aga, that is what I decided since I began to take photography seriously.
The plants were great more than the flowers generally, bas Sub7an Allah, everything is beautiful bardo.I wanted to take unique shots for the flowers, maho it is too normal to take a shot for a flower, what is new? lazm something different!After I took a shot and standing up .. oouucch, a harsh thorny twig entered my arm like a sharp pin, it was really hurting, it was aching for an hour after .. oh I still feel it .. adi akhret el tasweer..
Surprisingly, I found the people working there announcing "it is time to leave", kidding! it is still 3:30!!! ana lesa ma 3amltesh 7aga! Ignored their repetitive calls all over the garden and completed my tour .. I left by 4:30, where the garden was almost empty indeed.
After I downloaded the photos on my computer, I felt different. The presence of very nice photos raises the spirit awi keda.. I felt happy about it .. I love flowers... I doubt who don't .. ah men don't .. at least not like ladies :)
Why blog?
Why do people blog? I was wondering since some time ago.
I read random blogs everyday and find myself so interested in the idea, and excited to read from others.Then I decided to blog, f I asked myself, "why shall I blog?"
I thought about two points here:
1- I write about myself for myself, I need to express my thought, my feelings, my opinion in the form of words.. it relieves!In this case, why don't I write them offline, save and keep them on my own machine?
2- I want to share my day events, my thoughts, my feelings with others, I wanna them to be read, for the sake of sharing.In this case, mmmm, not everything will be said, not everything will be expressed indeed, so what?
I am confused .. really confused about it .. But I want to blog, that is what I know now.Sometimes, I need to narrate events or situations and I find no one at that moment to tell, or when I find, I skip some details which are important to me, but I guess the listener wouldn't be interested.So, here it is a way, to tell all out, to narrate all, it is my right now to say all the details, I won't bore my listener.
But now, when I am talking, whom shall I address?Me? You? and who are you?The Unknown? Can't determine, will just begin and let's see how it will go.